The Pittsburgh Quantum Institute (PQI) was founded in 2012 with the mission “to help unify and promote quantum science and engineering in Pittsburgh”. With financial support from the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, PQI provides leadership throughout Pittsburgh in areas that impact the “second quantum revolution”.
PQI faculty members (currently more than 100) have appointments from Pitt, CMU and Duquesne University, in physics, chemistry, engineering, computer science, business, and philosophy of science. PQI sponsors and organizes research seminars, panel discussions, public lectures, and outreach activities, and a signature event (PQI20XX in April) that brings in a dozen plenary speakers and a public lecture. PQI supports graduate students with research and travel awards, and sponsors two well-attended poster sessions per year. The PQI website highlights research and researchers, hosts multiple videos, and provides a regular feed of information relevant to the PQI community. PQI also coordinates with other important centers and facilities (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Petersen Institute for Nanscience and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University Nanofabrication Facility, and the Center for Research Computing).

Learn more about our goals at the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute.

The foundations of our research initiatives.

PQI is led by a director, executive director, who are advised by a steering committee and supported by an admin and other committees.