Vision: Be a leading collaborative interdisciplinary organization that advances research, education, and training in quantum science and engineering
- Energize, unify, and promote quantum science and engineering in our region through camaraderie, inclusivity, and a shared vision
- Inspire and support members to grow their research in new directions
- Host scholars and experts to pursue ideas, techniques, and applications on the leading edge
- Advance research and technology in quantum science and engineering
- Attract outstanding faculty and trainees to quantum research in our region
- Support collaborative research through workshops, seminars, and center-scale proposals
- Train future leaders in quantum science and engineering
- Educate and train students to have a deep understanding of quantum science and a broad understanding of sensing, communication, and computing applications
- Develop a diverse interdisciplinary cadre of researchers by offering formal and informal learning opportunities
- Develop outside partnerships that extend and expand our community
- Connect with team-based science initiatives and shared facilities to expand our capabilities
- Communicate innovations and research perspectives to scientists and the general public