Unlike traditional communication systems that deal with transmitting "classical" information bits, quantum communications deals with transmitting "quantum" information bits, or in other words, qubits. Its applications include connecting quantum computers, sensors, and other gadgets, to form quantum networks, and distributing shared secret keys for unconditional, information-theoretically secure classical communications. The latter application is guaranteed by the laws of quantum mechanics as any attempt to intercept a quantum communication signal would result in a disturbance of the system that cannot go undetected. However, current quantum communication technology is still in its early stages and faces several challenges, including the distance limitation of quantum channels and the difficulty of scaling up quantum communication networks.
Researchers in PQI work in several aspects to improve novel quantum communication technology. Including developing new quantum repeaters, quantum network switches and routers, and different encoded techniques for photons.
- Quantum Communication Research Groups
Prof. Seshadreesan's group works in the interface of quantum optics and quantum information processing to develop quantum communication technology. Their current research focuses on designing photonic and matter-based repeaters for quantum communication networks.