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Marek Skowronski



Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University

Modern electronic devices and circuits are intricately complex structures consisting of semiconductors, metals, and dielectrics and the interfaces between them.   Their performance and reliability sensitively depends not only on the design and materials selection but also the processing techniques used. Professor Skowronski's research covers a wide range of issues in this technology including: crystal growth of semiconductors; deposition of thin films of metals, semiconductors, and dielectrics; characterization of processing-induced defects; and degradation phenomena in electronic devices. The unifying theme of his research is the relationship between process conditions and device performance. Prof. Skowronski's research projects attempt to balance two distinctly different goals: the demonstration of novel approaches to processing of materials and the development of fundamental understanding of materials and devices.
The overarching goal for the group's research is the development  and discovery the materials, phenomena, and devices for energy efficient computing. Within this field the currently active projects focus on:
(i) synthesis of novel electronic materials such as binary and complex oxides, amorphous chalcogenide alloys and 2D materials.
(ii) imaging of processes in electronic devices under bias
(iii) design, fabrication, testing and simulation of electronic devices for applications as memory cells, selection devices, and oscillators

Most Cited Publications

"Determination of wurtzite GaN lattice polarity based on surface reconstruction." AR Smith, d RM Feenstra, DW Greve, M-S Shin, M Skowronski, J Neugebauer, JE Northrup. Applied physics letters.
"Microstructural characterization of α‐GaN films grown on sapphire by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy." W Qian, M Skowronski, M De Graef, K Doverspike, LB Rowland, DK Gaskill. Applied physics letters.
"Degradation of hexagonal silicon-carbide-based bipolar devices." M Skowronski, S Ha. Journal of applied physics.
"Reconstructions of GaN (0001) and (0001) surfaces: Ga-rich metallic structures." AR Smith, RM Feenstra, DW Greve, MS Shin, M Skowronski, J Neugebauer, JE Northrup. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena.
"Open‐core screw dislocations in GaN epilayers observed by scanning force microscopy and high‐resolution transmission electron microscopy." W Qian, GS Rohrer, M Skowronski, K Doverspike, LB Rowland, DK Gaskill. Applied physics letters.

Recent Publications

"Intrinsic current overshoot during thermal-runaway threshold switching events in TaOx devices." Jonathan M Goodwill, Marek Skowronski. Journal of Applied Physics.
"Quantification of Compositional Runaway during Electroformation in TaOx Resistive Switching Devices." Yuanzhi Ma, Jonathan Goodwill, Marek Skowronski. 2019 IEEE 11th International Memory Workshop (IMW).
"Thermal-gradient-driven elemental segregation in Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change memory cells." Phoebe Yeoh, Yuanzhi Ma, David A Cullen, James A Bain, Marek Skowronski. Applied Physics Letters.
"Spontaneous current constriction in threshold switching devices." Jonathan M Goodwill, Georg Ramer, Dasheng Li, Brian D Hoskins, Georges Pavlidis, Jabez J McClelland, Andrea Centrone, James A Bain, Marek Skowronski. Nature communications.
"Stable Metallic Enrichment in Conductive Filaments in TaOx‐Based Resistive Switches Arising from Competing Diffusive Fluxes." Yuanzhi Ma, Jonathan M Goodwill, Dasheng Li, David A Cullen, Jonathan D Poplawsky, Karren L More, James A Bain, Marek Skowronski. Advanced Electronic Materials.

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