For his contributions to the aerospace community, Peyman Givi, Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Pittsburgh, was selected to present the 2024 Dryden Lecture in Research, by the Honors and Awards Committee and the Board of Trustees of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
According to AIAA, the Dryden Lectureship in Research, established in 1961, is one of the Institute’s most prestigious lectureships and emphasizes the importance of basic research in advancing aeronautics and astronautics. The lecture honors Dr. Hugh L. Dryden, a renowned aerospace leader and a director of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, or NACA, as well as the first deputy administrator of NASA when the agency was created in 1958.
Givi’s lecture, “The Promise of Quantum Computing for Aerospace Science and Engineering,” will be presented during the 2024 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition January 8-12, 2024 in Orlando, Fla.
“I am indebted to the AIAA for this recognition of my research. It is a tremendous honor to be in the same sentence with Dr. Dryden. ” Givi said. “Quantum computing is a potential and powerful game-changer across so many engineering fields, but especially in future aerospace engineering. I am also thankful to our School of Engineering at Pitt for creating such a community for conducting quality research, and to my alma maters, Youngstown State and Carnegie Mellon for guiding me through my formative academic and research education.
Among Givi’s previous honors are NASA’s Public Service Medal, the agency’s highest civilian award, and one of the first 15 engineering faculty nationwide to receive The White House Presidential Faculty Fellowship. He is the first and the only member of the University of Pittsburgh faculty elected as a Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, an honor he shares with Neil Armstrong and Wernher von Braun. Additionally, he is also achieved Fellow status in every prime professional society for his field.
“This honor from AIAA is a testament to Peyman’s accomplishments as one of the leading researchers in multi-physics, computation-based engineering analysis & design and quantum computing, especially as pertain to aerospace engineering,” noted Sanjeev G. Shroff, Interim U.S. Steel Dean of Engineering at Pitt’s Swanson School of Engineering. “His research has been transformative and will continue to advance the technological breakthroughs in aerospace science and engineering.”
About Dr. Givi
Prior to his tenure at Pitt, Peyman Givi held the rank of University at Buffalo Distinguished Professor in Aerospace Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo, where he received the Professor of the Year Award by Tau Beta Pi (2002). He also worked as a Research Scientist at the Flow Industries, Inc. in Seattle. Givi has had frequent visiting appointments at the NASA Langley & Glenn (Lewis) center. In the early stages of his career, he received the Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research, and the Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation.
He is member of the editorial boards of AIAA Journal, Combustion Theory and Modelling, Computers & Fluids, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, and a past advisory board member of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. He received his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University (PA), which in 2022 presented him with a Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award; and BE (Summa Cum Laude) from the Youngstown State University (OH), where he was named the 2004 Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Alumnus, and the 2012 STEM College Outstanding Alumnus. Dr. Givi has achieved Fellow status in AAAS, AAM, AIAA, APS, ASME; the Combustion Institute, and was designated as ASME's Engineer of the Year 2007 in Pittsburgh.
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