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Simranjeet Singh

Carnegie Mellon University
PhD in Physics, University of Central Florida, 2014

Simranjeet Singh earned his PhD in Physics from the University of Central Florida in 2014. After completing his PhD, he joined Prof. Roland Kawakami’s lab as a postdoc fellow. He also worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Prof. Chris Hammel’s research group from Ohio State University. His research focuses on studying magnetism, spin transport and spin dynamics in low dimensional materials like Graphene. His work leads to the observation of giant spin accumulations in graphene at room temperature, which is a stepping stone for realizing the spin-torque switching of a magnet using graphene spin currents. Now, he is joined CMU as an Assistant professor in 2018.


I study magnetism, spin transport and spin dynamics in low dimensional condensed matter systems. We seek to exploit the interplay of charge, spin and valley degrees of freedom in quantum confined systems for developing new methods of spin flux generation, detection and control. Our current focus is to explore the spin physics in two-dimensional materials, topological systems and van der Waals based cross-dimensional synthetic hetero-structures. We employ a wide range of experimental techniques, including: atomically precise assembly of van der Waals material heterostructures, nanodevice fabrication, thin film growth, quantum spin/charge transport, spin-charge interconversion methods, magnetization dynamics, and spin pumping in mesoscopic devices.

Most Cited Publications

"The Effect of Preparation Conditions on Raman and Photoluminescence of Monolayer WS2." Kathleen M McCreary, Aubrey T Hanbicki, Simranjeet Singh, Roland K Kawakami, Glenn G Jernigan, Masa Ishigami, Amy Ng, Todd H Brintlinger, Rhonda M Stroud, Berend T Jonker. Scientific reports.
"Strong modulation of spin currents in bilayer graphene by static and fluctuating proximity exchange fields." Simranjeet Singh, Jyoti Katoch, Tiancong Zhu, Keng-Yuan Meng, Tianyu Liu, Jack T Brangham, Fengyuan Yang, Michael E Flatté, Roland K Kawakami. Physical review letters.
"Dynamic spin injection into chemical vapor deposited graphene." AK Patra, S Singh, B Barin, Y Lee, J-H Ahn, E Del Barco, ER Mucciolo, B Özyilmaz. Applied Physics Letters.
"Giant spin-splitting and gap renormalization driven by trions in single-layer WS 2/h-BN heterostructures." Jyoti Katoch, Søren Ulstrup, Roland J Koch, Simon Moser, Kathleen M McCreary, Simranjeet Singh, Jinsong Xu, Berend T Jonker, Roland K Kawakami, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Chris Jozwiak. Nature Physics.
"Nanosecond spin relaxation times in single layer graphene spin valves with hexagonal boron nitride tunnel barriers." Simranjeet Singh, Jyoti Katoch, Jinsong Xu, Cheng Tan, Tiancong Zhu, Walid Amamou, James Hone, Roland Kawakami. Applied Physics Letters.

Recent Publications

"Spin inversion in graphene spin valves by gate-tunable magnetic proximity effect at one-dimensional contacts." Jinsong Xu, Simranjeet Singh, Jyoti Katoch, Guanzhong Wu, Tiancong Zhu, Igor Zutic, Roland K Kawakami. Nature Communicationsvolume 9, Article number: 2869 (2018).
"Probing Tunneling Spin Injection into Graphene via Bias Dependence." Tiancong Zhu, Simranjeet Singh, Jyoti Katoch, Hua Wen, Kirill Belashchenko, Igor Žutić, Roland K Kawakami. Phys. Rev. B 98, 054412.
"Giant spin-splitting and gap renormalization driven by trions in single-layer WS 2/h-BN heterostructures." Jyoti Katoch, Søren Ulstrup, Roland J Koch, Simon Moser, Kathleen M McCreary, Simranjeet Singh, Jinsong Xu, Berend T Jonker, Roland K Kawakami, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Chris Jozwiak. Nature Physics.
"Imaging spin dynamics in monolayer WS2 by time-resolved Kerr rotation microscopy." Elizabeth J McCormick, Michael J Newburger, Yunqiu Kelly Luo, Kathleen M McCreary, Simranjeet Singh, Iwan B Martin, Edward J Cichewicz Jr, Berend T Jonker, Roland K Kawakami. 2D Materials.
"Strontium oxide tunnel barriers for high quality spin transport and large spin accumulation in graphene." Simranjeet Singh, Jyoti Katoch, Tiancong Zhu, Ryan J Wu, Adam S Ahmed, Walid Amamou, Dongying Wang, K Andre Mkhoyan, Roland K Kawakami. Nano letters.