The annual PQI signature event will cover a wide range of topics in quantum science and engineering by featuring prominent invited keynote lecturers and highlighting the current research of PQI members. All the talks are colloquium-style and accessible to a broad audience.
Watch Live
All Streams:
- PQI2018 Wednesday Morning
- PQI2018 Wednesday Afternoon
- PQI2018 Thursday Morning *
- PQI2018 Thursday Afternoon
- PQI2018 Friday All-day
* Please check back later for the recording of Thursday morning
Public Lecture
Keynote Speakers
Quantum Panel Discussion
"How can government, industry, foundations, and academia work together to advance the second quantum revolution?"
Event Calendar
Join us at the University Club on April 18-20th, 2018.
Organizing Committee
Ted Corcovilos, Andrew Daley, Randy Feenstra, Susan Fullerton, Peyman Givi, Ken Jordan, Daniel Lambrecht, Jeremy Levy, David Pekker, Hrvoje Petek, Marek Skowronski, William Stanchina, David Waldeck, Di Xiao