Research Interests
Quantum field theory, atmospheric physics, complex systems, social systems, computer systems, software systems, visualization.
Current Projects
Nystrom (PI), J. R. Scott (co-PI), R. Roskies (co-PI), M. Levine (co-PI), R. Scibek (PM), P. Buitrago, J. Marsteller, D. Moses, S. Sanielevici, J. Sommerfield, J. Urbanic: Bridges: From Communities and Data to Workflows and Insight. Intellectual merit: Bridges is a uniquely capable, data- and memory-intensive high-performance computing (HPC) system designed to integrate HPC with Big Data, deliver “HPC-as-a-Service”, and help researchers work more intuitively. Broader impact: Bridges currently supports 1,096 projects and 4,650 users nationwide representing 303 institutions, representing 103 NSF fields of science. Publications: and (as of May 1, 2017) 437 user publications cited in proposals for allocations on Bridges. Research products: Bridges architecture and software, over 10 Science Gateways (ongoing).
Towns (PI), K. Gaither (co-PI), N. Wilkins-Diehr (co-PI), Sanielevici, Buitrago, Marsteller, Urbanic: XSEDE 2.0: Integrating, Enabling and Enhancing National Cyberinfrastructure with Expanding Community Involvement. Intellectual Merit: XSEDE 2 provides an adaptive framework that enables researchers to use emerging CI capabilities to advance their fields. Broader Impact: XSEDE 2 engages a new generation of diverse computational researchers and campus communities in education, training, and outreach activities. Publications: In the first quarter of 2017, 217 user projects identified 907 publications and other products. Research products: Since the start of XSEDE 2, the Extended Collaborative Support Service (ECSS) has completed 73 projects with the user community (ongoing).
Recently Completed Project
Scott, Sanielevici, Nystrom, Marsteller, Urbanic: XSEDE: eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment. Intellectual Merit: Developed a comprehensive advanced digital services cyberinfrastructure to enable transformative open science and engineering research. Broader Impact: In 2016, XSEDE supported 8,000 researchers and students in all 50 states, associated with approximately $2.5 billion dollars of funded research. Publications: Over 17,000 user publications, cited twice as often as non-XSEDE supported publications in the same journals. Research products: A single authentication interface to access all XSEDE allocated resources. A database of application software and tools to inform the user what is available on each allocated resource. More than 300 projects conducted with the user community by ECSS.
"Partition-function zeros and the SU (3) deconfining phase transition," Nelson A. Alves, Bernd A. Berg, and Sergiu Sanielevici. Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 3107 (1990)
Wilkins-Diehr, N., Sanielevici, S., Alameda, J., Cazes, J., Crosby, L., Pierce, M., & Roskies, R. (2015, March). An overview of the XSEDE extended collaborative support program. In International Conference on Supercomputing in Mexico (pp. 3-13). Springer, Cham.